Video #1 - lunch was served shortly after i arrived,
Meas Family Home Stay, Ang Ta Som
Video #2 - the focus here on carbs does not actually reflect reality,
given the varied menu, Meas Family Home Stay, Ang Ta Som
Video #3 - a peaceful escape, grove behind the
Meas Family Home Stay, Ang Ta Som
Video #4 - these bright kids are high school students, mostly from
farming families and are learning English after school,
Meas Family Home Stay, Ang Ta Som
Video #5 - leaving the Meas Family Home Stay,
taxi ride from Ang Ta Som to Phnom Penh
The friendly and gracious hosts, Siphen Meas and Im Mach,
Meas Family Home Stay, Ang Ta Som
Im Mach resting at midday, Meas Family Home Stay, Ang Ta Som
Siphen Meas at the stove, Meas Family Home Stay, Ang Ta Som
Entrance to my room, facing the yard,
Meas Family Home Stay, Ang Ta Som
Back-up water tanks, outside my room,
Meas Family Home Stay, Ang Ta Som
Fresh coconut being shredded for Amok (Cambodian fish curry),
a fabulous national dish, Meas Family Home Stay, Ang Ta Som
Fish being prepared for Amok and at my request,
Meas Family Home Stay, Ang Ta Som

Spring roll batch production, Meas Family Home Stay, Ang Ta Som

Spring roll batch production, Meas Family Home Stay, Ang Ta Som
Spring rolls, part of another memorable meal,
Meas Family Home Stay, Ang Ta Som
Stir-fried instant noodles, with fly protection,
Meas Family Home Stay, Ang Ta Som
Orchids and pond, created from a crater, US B-52 bomb drop 1973-75,
Meas Family Home Stay, Ang Ta Som
Gate, grove and rice fields, back of the
IT WAS MAYHEM HERE, but polite mayhem, at the terminal near the Central Market. The big highway hulk backed out ever so carefully. For the second time on this trip, i was leaving Phnom Penh by bus. The Sorya Transport double decker was filled with travellers heading for Bangkok, with the exception of this one, writing the blog post. Down National Highway #3, i got off in Ang Ta Som. From there it was only a few kilometres, by tuk-tuk, to the next destination. A secondary highway took us East towards Takéo City, but then we turned off to cross dry rice fields. The dirt lane became a driveway and the ruts led us to a gate. Within the compound walls were a collection of buildings, a garden and even a rectangular pond. I had arrived at the Meas Family Home Stay.Im Mach was a kind and gentle host. He was also quite willing to share stories with me about his past. As the Deputy Director of the nearby secondary school, his knowledge of history, geography and English was extensive, so of course i found myself with a real teacher. Im lived through the American B-52 bombings, the brutality of the Khmer Rouge years and the subsequent Vietnamese occupation. He also told me that the picturesque pond, mentioned earlier, was extended and built upon, from a large 1970s era bomb crater. By contrast to Im, his wife Siphen Meas, was an outgoing and take charge kind of soul. Not only did she run the kitchen and household, but also taught at a nearby elementary school.
The Meas Family provided the guests with delicious meals, made from scratch, and from their outdoor kitchen. Apart from bottled sauces, the packaged noodles, condiments, instant coffee, etc, the fare seemed to made from local ingredients. The food was delicious, well balanced and the guests were well fed.
Recommend the Sihanoukville bound Sorya Transport express bus:
Welcome to Phnom Penh Sorya Transpot :: 2011
Wonderful home stay experience with Im Mach and Siphen Meas:
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